Laborers Health & Wellness Clinics
Eagan, MN Clinic

Eagan, MN Clinic

  • Clinicians:
    - Christine Schofield, PA
    - Kelly Roberto, NP-F
    - Branden Pfefferkorn, MD
  • Medical Support Staff: Janelle, LPN
  • Clinic Assistant: Lynne
1519 Central Parkway Eagan, MN 55121

Mon-Wed-Fri: 8:30AM-5:00PM
Tues-Thu: 9:30AM-6:00PM
Sat: 8:00AM-11:30AM
Closed Sunday

Available In-Clinic
  • Ear, Nose and Throat
  • Infections, Skin and Rash
  • Gastro-Intestinal Issues
  • Stable Chronic Conditions
  • Sexual Health
  • Preventative Care
  • Other Common Issues/Conditions
  • Lab Services and Immunizations
  • Respiratory Care
  • DOT Physicals
Virtual Clinic
  • Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions
  • Infections, Skin and Rash Conditions
  • Gastro-intestinal Issues
  • Stable Chronic Conditions
  • Sexual Health
  • Preventative Care
  • Other Common Issues
The Laborers CliniCS – Eagan, MN Clinic
1519 Central Parkway Eagan, MN 55121
Phone: 952-687-8100

Mon-Wed-Fri: 8:30AM-5:00PM
Tues-Thu: 9:30AM-6:00PM
Sat: 8:00AM-11:30AM
Closed Sunday

The Laborers Clinics offer you many of the services you currently get at your regular clinic.

For many of these services you can be seen in the convenience of your own home with the phone or video tele-medicine option. Talk to the appointment center at 952-687-8100 and discuss your options with them.

Please remember that most appointments are for 20 minutes. If you have multiple issues or concerns and would like a longer appointment, please mention this fact to the scheduler so you may be scheduled for a 40-minute exam.

When should I be seen in the emergency room or by my primary doctor?

The Laborers Clinics can help you with many health issues and concerns, but they are not set up to handle all complex health conditions. For that reason, more complex conditions should be managed by your primary doctor, a specialist, or at an emergency room. Examples of these situations include:

  • History of heart disease, stroke, or heart attack
  • Head injuries, concussions, dizziness
  • Blood clots and swollen legs
  • Pregnancy-related issues
  • Allergy shots
  • Chest pains, shortness of breath
  • Car accidents
  • Abdominal pain

These complex conditions will be referred to urgent care or to another facility, depending on the need.

Estaremos encantados de ayudarle si desea recibir asistencia en español. Por favor haga clic en el botón “Programar una cita” a la derecha y pida hablar con un programador de citas que hable español. También podrán responder a sus preguntas sobre el clínicas. Gracias.
Through the contributions you make to the Health and Welfare Fund, the high quality health care you and your family receives within your clinics is completely covered.
Minnesota Laborers Health and Welfare Fund © All Rights Reserved.